Wednesday 6 February 2013

To the left you will find a school magazine from the school 'Top Terrace'; This magazine has clearly used different colours that are reflective of the schools colour scheme. Another aspect, I will maybe utilize is the alliterative title 'Top Terrace' which attracts the readers attention. Another aspect that this magazine has commonly used is the different colours and tonal schemes to show different aspects; this magazine has used a 5 tone colour scheme including text. They have used the white bold font for the main headings of the magazine as it introduced the articles and name of the whole magazine itself. They have interestingly also used contrasting colours to make sure that the newsletter looks professional and easy to read it also makes that part stand out considerably more compared to the blue and the yellow colour. 
This magazine has decided to use two images from a low angle; this could be to show that the students who attend that school are comfortable with where they are and feel like they are prosperous students  This could be something that I may utilize for my newsletter because it shows that the students are comfortable at that school as well as showing that the students who attend that school are prosperous and successful which puts over a positive message to the audience. 

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