Wednesday 6 February 2013

To the left you will find the front cover of Hazeley's Sixth Form magazine. This magazine will follow more of what my finished school magazine will look like in terms of the image positioning and the type of image used. Once again commonly used is the colour scheme evident of the schools colours, they have incorporated the green and yellow colour scheme making it evident of their school colours which is reflective of their school which makes it a lot more easier to notice. Also, another factor which is commonly used is the differences in text and the important of perhaps changing the text for different sections of the newsletter as it brings peoples attention to different parts of the magazine. Another factor I will utilize will be the the medium close up shot as this was prescribed by the client to make sure that I had to do. They have also use exclamatory sentences to show the excitement of certain aspects of the newsletter; this also makes the magazine a lot more interesting as people will  be attracted t look at that part of the magazine. They have also used effects on their titles and embossed certain aspects to make sure that people will take notice of that part of the school magazine. As well as this there text is mainly in yellow which may have been taken from their school house colours making the magazine reflective of their school.  I will utilize this aspect when it comes to the production of my media product as I think it looks appealing and more professional if it is the colours of the schools; I will adopt a 3 tone colour scheme of white, red and blue. 

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